
November 4th, 2011

The F.A.T. City Workshop Film: Day Three &
Class Discussion: Differentiating Instruction

In Wednesday's class we finished off the video F.A.T. City Workshop, and began to discuss the concept of "differentiating instruction"

F.A.T. City: How Hard Can This Be?!?

basically, Richard D. Lavoy, the man who was conducting the workshop, ends off the film by referring to Lawrence Kohlberg's idea that "children learn by seeing and hearing what we, the adults in their lives, do and say"...so lead by example.

Lavoy also brought up the concept of "fairness" in the classroom, what he defined as: "everyone gets what he or she needs". 
           He used the example of a teacher saying, "I can't help this student because it wouldn't be fair to the others." Obviously, if a student requires extra help that is a NEED not a WANT, and it is in no way unfair to the other students for that student to receive it.. 

"It's not about changing the student, it's about changing how we teach the student!"
this leads into the next portion of our class......

Differentiating Instruction


the teacher modifies the content, process, and product 
through student readiness, interests, and learning profiles

                                  - Carol E. Tomlinson. 

content: curriculum 
process: what the student does
product: what the student produces. 

Types of Learners:

Although there are many types of intelligence.. there are only three types of learners:  

and that's where we left off last class... 

I would once again like to thank those who have kept up with my entries, I know psychology isn't the most interesting thing to everyone, although; I love it.. I am headed to class in about an hour, so expect a new entry late tonight (I work until 11pm). 



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